For the next time (if ever) I teach this course:

  1. Need to have a separate page for each term paper, reminding students of the requirements, appropriate topics, and weight of the paper in the student's grade for the course.
  2. Should have (and should be able to do) due-dates for all milestones and papers at the start of the semester. 
  3. Sections on citation
  4. Sections on plagiarism (including copying discussions, figures)
  5. Self-plagiarism
  6. Need to be much more clear on the acceptable topics for the first and second papers.  In particular, need to be more clear on changing topics for the second paper.
  7. Lectures on footnotes and citiations:  several lectures on the mechanics of writing a term paper
  8. More emphasis on the importance of the term paper
  9. A note on how I evaluate papers.
  10. Adopt a citation standard and stick to it.  Let me know on every exhibit turned in what citation standard you have adopted.