Math 420

Special Topics in Mathematics

Spring 2008:  History of Mathematics

Please note:  This is a first-time offering of a course under consideration for inclusion in the course offerings in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Puget Sound.  Accordingly, I expect that this page, and particularly the topic list and bibliography, will undergo substantial changes over the course of the semester.

This page last revised 1/14/08


Poster copy

Much of the way in which we learn mathematics has little to do with how it came about.  This course will start to tell that story, together with stories about the people (some of whom are very interesting characters indeed!) who developed the ideas and techniques we study in our other mathematics courses.

The topic is much too large to cover in one course.  In this course, then, we will look primarily at the history of modern mathematics.  We will begin with a quick survey of the mathematics before the development of the calculus and move more deliberately through the mathematics of the seventeenth century on to the present time.

It will be useful for the interested student to have a basic understanding of the differential and integral calculus, such as is gained in the first year of calculus.  This will form the background to the discussion.  This is not intended as a firm prerequisite however, and interested students who have not yet taken a year of calculus should talk with the instructor.


Note:  This closely follows the order of topics in the likely textbook, Burton, David, The History of Mathematics, McGraw-Hill, 2005.  See (this may not be a stable URL)

This section is still in development, and will undergo changes throughout the semester.
