Computer Science 455 Exam #1 Review Disclaimer: I have attempted to be comprehensive in the following, but important items may have been omitted by mistake. If you see such an omission, please let me know, but you are responsible for all of the lecture material to date. The first hour exam will be on Friday, Feb. 20, and will cover Date: 1 - 5, 8 Krohn 1 - 4 (note that there is some material here we have not covered with respect to SQL - this will appear on the next exam) EasyAlg handout 1. Be able to say what a database management system is, and list some of the reasons for such a system. Be able to relate parts of a DBMS to other CSci disciplines. 2. Be able to describe the three major data models for database systems we have described so far. Be able to say what a data model is. 3. Know definitions of terms encountered so far (e.g.: Entity, Key, DBA, DA, Data Independence, Data Dictionary, etc...) 4. Be able to write EASYALG queries. 5. Be able to write basic SQL queries. EASYALG and SQL queries on this exam will be with respect to the SPJ database. Later exams may use other examples. 6. Be able to create and drop tables, views, and indexes. Be able to explain the difference between tables and views. 7. Be able to explain why a relational database system is called relational (WednesdayÍs lecture).