Computer Science 455

Final Exercise Set

Due:  Monday, April 24 (The third hour exam will be on the following day)

Work the following problems using the relational calculus:

  1. Find full details of all projects in London.
  2. Get JNAME values for projects supplied by supplier S1
  3. Get supplier name values for suppliers who supply project J1
  4. Get supplier name values for suppliers who supply a London project with a red part
  5. Get the names of parts used on every London project

If you have access to lisp, place your answers to these questions in a file named yourusername.l in the handins folder on Plato for this class. Lisp files should have the following organization:


;   Your name here
;  1.  Find full details of all projects in London
(setq ans (retrieve '( etc....
(format t "Question 1 answer is ~s ~%" ans)
;   2.  Find

         and so on.

Since lisp is now available in T120 as well as the ACL, please write your answers using lisp and try them out before turning them in to the CSci 455 handins folder.