Computer Science 455

Second Exercise Set

Due: Monday, Feb. 14.


Write SQL statements for the following queries:


  1. Find full details of all projects in London.
  2. Get supplier number values for suppliers who supply project J1
  3. Get JNAME values for projects supplied by supplier S1
  4. Get supplier number values for suppliers who supply project J1 with a red part
  5. Get supplier name values for suppliers who supply a London project with a red part

Place these in a file called <your first initial + your last name>.sql (it is important that you use this name) in the class handins folder on Plato. The command file should have the following format:

     your name

     Find full details of all projects in London
select ... etc.

     Get supplier number values for suppliers
     who supply project J1
select .... etc.




Any questions? Please let me know. Many thanks!