Computer Science 340

Exam 1 Review

The first hour exam will be on Thursday, Oct. 4, and will cover chapters 1 - 7.2 of the textbook. Textbook slides (with some modifications) are available on Plato: the primary ones we will use are in working01 - working03.ppt.

The exam will be primarily essay and short questions. Be prepared to define and describe the basic terms of software engineering introduced in the textbook (so far) and to describe the processes involved. In terms of more technical exercises, please be prepared to construct a (small) activity network and perhaps a Gantt chart for a small example, and be able to construct a small dataflow diagram or a simple state machine model (which could be as simple as a finite state automaton).

Please recall that, although I try to be complete in exam reviews, all of the lecture and reading material is fair game. Please do remind me of any significant omissions. Many thanks!