Computer Science 261

Assignment # 10

Due: Wednesday, Nov. 28


Modify the file CharQueueObject in the handouts folder by adding in the appropriate code for the methods outlined (i.e., fill in the missing code).  The main program is a test of the character queue object:  the user types in characters separated by commas.  Non-comma characters are put into the queue (with an error message printed if the queue is full).  When a comma is reached, the queue is emptied and the characters in the queue printed out.  When the user finally types a period, the queue is emptied and printed one last time, and the program ends.

Please note that the call to the constructor limits the size of the queue to 10 characters.  This is so it is easier to check the "queue full" condition.

Try testing your program by typing

one,two,too many characters,three,four.

Questions?  Please ask!