Some Career Information for Math Majors

Internet Sites

  1. Career information from Professional Organizations.
    1. "Careers in Mathematics" Interview video by the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI)
    2. American Mathematical Society (AMS)
    3. Mathematical Association of America (MAA): Career Profiles
    4. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
    5. American Statistical Association (ASA)
    6. Society of Actuaries and Casualty Actuarial Society
    7. Sloan Career Cornerstone Center (Applied Mathematics options)
    8. Careers in Business: Try a search `Math'
    9. Teach for America
  2. US Department of Labor Occupational Outlook Handbook
    1. Mathematicians:
    2. Statisticians
    3. Actuaries
    4. Computer Science Opportunities
  3. A Few University Career and Employment Offices -- Math Related
    1. University of Puget Sound
    2. University of North Carolina (Has a very good list of Career Planning Links.)
    3. Rutgers University (A list of occupations related to mathematics.)
  4. Specific Possibilities